Family, Fitness

Rounding Up Round Up


I have this problem with races.   I’m not fast.  The problem actually is, I want to be fast, but I don’t.  Today, my sister and I ran our cities 10k race.  After about 1.5 miles, I felt like she was going slower to keep pace with me, and I told her to go ahead.  I don’t like running races with people, cause I don’t like the pressure that comes with it to go faster.  At the same time, the “self talk” I’m having in my mind goes like this:

“Slow down. This isn’t a race. Just have fun.  It’s not like your in last place.”

Then I start to say, “It IS a race! You should pick up your pace!  Why don’t you even want to TRY to go faster??”  and I pretty much say that the entire route, while never really getting much faster than 10 minutes/mile.

So, here is where I ended up:

Roundup 5kIMAG0186

I just feel like I need to get to that place where I WANT- have the desire to be faster!!

The rest of the week made me so glad I live in a town that loves tradition.  From the horse parade, to the mini annual parade, we loved every second!

2013-06-27 18.13.07

2013-06-27 18.19.13 2013-06-28 17.48.10 2013-06-28 18.45.02 2013-06-28 18.55.30