Family, Fitness, Nature and Outdoors, Travel


The tough part of a weekend getaway like  this is sorting through all the amazing pictures!  2 weeks ago, we decided to take one last hiking trip before winter, and go to the Escalante/Bryce Canyon area. I decided Bryce was my top spot as the most beautiful landscape in Utah! Really, I wish I could be buried there. I love it!  But, according to our new wall map (Erica and I painted this summer), we’ve got a lot more places to see!

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First, Wade found us the coolest cabins to stay at INSIDE of Kodochrome state park.  It was super clean. It had a mini kitchette. It had two queen beds that were super comfy- PLUS, it had cable! lol. Which honestly, it was so nice to crash at the end of the day and watch a movie after a long day of hiking.

The cabins each had it’s own gas grill, so we brought chicken for one night, and burgers for the other. Super easy, and we didn’t have to go looking for a restaurant, which were slim pickings anyway.

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That bird actually ate right out of Erica’s hand!

As soon as we got to Kodochrome, we first quickly checked out Shakespeare arch.

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Then we hurried down because we wanted to climb “Angel’s Peak” to catch the sunset.  Nate and TJ made it to the top for sunset, but Wade and I were literally about 2 minutes too late!

DSC_1551 kodochrome angels palace DSC_1562And then guess what happened….My camera battery died and I didn’t bring the charger!  What a disappointment!  The rest of the weekend we used my phone and Wade’s camera.  I was pretty bummed.

The little store had some free DVD’s that people from the cabins could borrow.  So, that night we watched Evan Almighty- We love that show!

Saturday morning we woke up, and drove through Escalante to Devils Garden.  Devils Garden is not exactly a hike, but rather a place to wander around.  And we love to wander!  This park is perfect for kids who want to climb on the rocks.

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DSC_1624After Devils Garden, we decided to detour into the petrified forest.  The main loop, was really not impressive- but if you take the “extra long loop”, that’s where you’ll see the most petrified wood.

2013-10-19 13.03.33 2013-10-19 13.07.08 IMGP0725After the petrified forest, we decided to drive another dirt road to Willis Creek.  It was about 6 miles out, that took about 25 minutes in our car- BUT totally worth it!

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Willis Creek is three slot canyons (so they said, we weren’t exactly sure how they counted), either way it was spectacular! We went down the dried creek trail about 2 miles, and then back out.

That night, we went back to our Cabin in Kodochrome.  We roasted marshmallows with another family who was staying in the cabin next to ours.  Then, as I said, it was so nice to crash by the TV. We watched Real Steel this time, and I think it ended up being TJ’s favorite movie to date! He keeps talking about how he’s dying for a Real Steel 2!

Then, Sunday morning, we woke up, packed up, and headed to my favorite place on earth! BRYCE CANYON!

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I can’t wait to go back, but at the same time, I also want to see Flaming Gorge and Bear lake- two more Utah destinations we haven’t been to yet!