Eating can be enjoyable. It can distract us from our emotions. It can put us at ease when we are socializing. It can connect us to friends and family. Eating is also fuel for the day. It can give us the power we need to get through a workout, or a long day at work. …
Category: Nutrition
My Weight Loss Story
I’ve mentally written my weight loss success story a thousand times. In my vision, I become super skinny and everyone asks me how I did it! I always imagined my story would be something like, “I stopped eating sugar and never had a craving to over-eat again!” I wrote my imaginary “Body for Life” essay and became the …
Nutrition and The Brain
In my 20’s I was eating healthy because I wanted to fit into a nice pair of jeans. In my 30’s I wanted to eat healthy for the energy I could get from wholesome food. Next month I turn 40! And for the last few months, I have felt my mindset migrate into the ways …
I’m Back
Monday morning- 1 hour cardio while I read at least 20 pages of bio chem. I understand that text book so much better on the treadmill, it’s crazy! Then lower body workout, minus the calves of course. For breakfast: Eggs, mushrooms, on a whole wheat tortilla Snack, cottage cheese and peaches For lunch, and forgetting …
Sorry about the title, but that is the ONLY thing on my mind right now. Cell membrane structure, active transport, Kreb Cycle, carbohydrate metabolism… But in 8 days it will finally be over. I’m quite thrilled over it. Mostly good day, despite a handful of these: But the rest of the day- 4 mile run, …
No more nuts
Body for Life, day Who knows what…. Looks like I’ll be adding Almonds to my list of foods I can not keep in the pantry. Too bad, because Almonds are so healthy. But I completely lack self control around these things. I have no idea how many I actually ate. I’m making my husband take …
Monday is always a new day
My plan was to go into the weekend without slipping up, or having a free meal. It didn’t exactly work out that way. I sort of overdid it on Saturday. I had a baby shower, and went to the Food Bloggers Bake sale. If I thought I could withstand both events without enjoying the food, …
My body for life meals- Thursday
I felt like I didn’t have 6 mini-meals, but 6 MAJOR meals today! I’m OK with it though, because this morning Eliece and I biked 12 miles and ran 5 miles. We have a triathlon coming up mid-May. So, before the workout, I doubled my breakfast. 4 Egg whites (with mushrooms) and oatmeal with milk …
Wednesday meals
I am still sore from my lower body workout on MONDAY!! My hamstrings are killing me! Wed. morning, 40 minutes cardio. Then upper body. 7:15am, egg whites, one whole egg and mushrooms. Plus banana 9:15, cottage cheese and fruit 11:15: Chicken and strawberry salad. with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette 1:15 (In the car.. just …
Saturday- Easter cookies
I went to the gym first thing this morning and had a great cardio interval workout. Then I got home and ate egg whites with mushrooms and a banana: Meal two: Egg salad on whole wheat bread. Plus apple with almond butter Meal 3 was my favorite chicken breast with sweet potato. Well, just the …