Daily Living, Family

Halloween 2013

Halloween has come and gone.. Seriously, where does the time go?  We don’t do much in the way of decorating.  We just put a few pumpkins our porch. But my next door neighbor, who is 5, told me about 10 times this month that his house is decorated way better than ours. lol

So, Nate was a Mad Scientist. Erica  a “super ballerina”, and TJ a zombie.
Kids Halloween 2013

I decided to be a polygamist, because I just really wanted to try to get that hairstyle figured out!halloween 2013 FLDS KIMG0130

And, Wade decided to be an alien! I think he did a great job coming up with a costume… Unfortunately, he was the only one who dressed up at work.  ha ha.

Happy Halloween!KIMG0131