I am still sore from my lower body workout on MONDAY!! My hamstrings are killing me!
Wed. morning, 40 minutes cardio. Then upper body.
7:15am, egg whites, one whole egg and mushrooms. Plus banana
9:15, cottage cheese and fruit
11:15: Chicken and strawberry salad. with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette 1:15 (In the car.. just before class) hard boiled egg, pear
3:15 DURING class. An EAS bar
5:!5 just before second class.. found a microwave to eat a sweet potato PLUS chicken. and carrots. I was so proud that I brought such a complex meal to eat AT school.
At 9pm I had a few more strawberries. I was kind of hungry when I got home. Normally, I hate eating that late.
Have a great day!!