Daily Meals

9 miles

My church meeting went really late last night.  28 out of 30 days a month, we are asleep by 9pm. So when I’m up late, I don’t sleep as well.  I didn’t fall asleep till 11:30.  I wanted to get going by 5am, because I had 9 miles to run. Eliece and I are following, “Galloway’s Book on Running” to get ready for a half marathon.

I was up by 5am, but so was TJ! That always throws a wrinkle in things.  So I was only able to do part of my run outside and had to finish on the treadmill.  I don’t’ like exercising after my kids are awake, so I felt like I ran pretty fast.. for me.  9  miles, 1 hr 44 minutes.

I listened to Compassionate Cooks new podcast, “Reading food Labels” which was AWESOME. Then I listened to Chemistry, Which was NOT AWESOME.

Here was my running fuel:

The banana, pre-run.  The Kid Clif bar and gatorade, during the run.  I feel GREAT!  9 seemed so easy after we’ve been doing 12.

After a run, I get the chills. So I wanted some warm oatmeal. I was going for a strawberry cream flavor and totally got it.

  • Instant oats,
  • strawberries
  • soy milk
  • agave nectar.


Time to get going for the day.  Looks like it might finally be sunny!  I feel a hike in our schedule… (and a little chemistry, and grocery shopping).

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