Tough workout this morning. I went to the 4:50AM Pump Class!!! THEN, I ran on the treadmill for 40 minutes (3 miles).
Breakfast 7am: 4 Egg whites and a banana
9am: 1 scoop protein powder in 8oz of water, with 1 cup raspberries
Lunch: 11:30 am: Chicken, salad, 1/2 Cup wild rice, Grapes
Carrots, hummus, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, grapes
4:30: Protein Bar
6:00 salad and small bowl of potato cheese soup.
I made the soup for the Cub Scout Dinner, and had to try a little before I sent it! I couldn’t send something gross, you know. Anyway. I decided to eat a little before I went so I wouldn’t be tempted by their pizza and cupcakes… and you know what…even though my salad ended up being gross because of the gross fat free, calorie free, sugar free ranch I put on it.. I wasn’t tempted to eat anything at the dinner! I just spent the time taking photo’s of the boy’s and then it was over!! Normally I would have been tempted by the homemade rolls. But I knew if I had one, I would want more. So, not even knowing how amazing they were, actually helped.
I must say, I’ve never given into my cravings for this long before! I don’t know what the difference is, or what my motivation is. But I do know that I feel amazing!