Daily Meals, Fitness, Nutrition

No more nuts

Body for Life, day Who knows what….

Looks like I’ll be adding Almonds to my list of foods I can not keep in the pantry.  Too bad, because Almonds are so healthy.  But I completely lack self control around these things. I have no idea how many I actually ate.  I’m making my husband take the rest to work today.

Here is my list of foods I can not buy for the same reason:

  • Trailmix (the one with the M&M’s)
  • animal crackers
  • vanilla wafers
  • Resees Puffs cereal
  • Ritz Crackers
  • any box of cookies
  • And now… Almonds.

So, for Monday- I started off well.  I had a 30 minute run on the treadmill (although it’s gorgeous outside… but I was meeting a friend at the gym). Then we did our upper body weights.

I got home, and around 7:00 ate egg whites, mushrooms and toast

DSC_2079 I’m trying to space things every 2.5 hours rather than 2.  So at 9:30, I ate a whole wheat chicken wrap with avocado and tomato, and some fat free cream cheese.

DSC_2135 Then, at noon, I whipped up some cottage cheese pancakes.  I would like to make them with a scoop of protein powder, but I’m too scared.  I’m been disgusted by protein powder in so many ways, that I’m afraid to add it to yummy pancakes.


Then, at 2:30- I was in class , so I slowly ate  a bar:


Then at 5, I ate this great dinner.  Some local beef, a potato, and green beans.

DSC_2137 And then ALL DAY, I ate these almonds. And I mean ALL day! I have no idea how many I ended up with!  ARGHHHH.

DSC_2119 copy On a side note, I am completely inspired by this awesome lady. http://www.transformation.com/ttv-hd/leslie/.  This video is awesome.  I couldn’t find the embed code, so you’ll have to click over.

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