Erica made an emergency box for our family, just in case of an emergency. She has Bandaids (rap) a Wrap (Loshin) Lotion Snacks are #1 and #2 Granola bites #4 toys Snacks (medasin) Medicine (sanatisr) sanitizer #6 fruit things granola bars mini water bottles I don’t know who told her what should be in an …
Ice Skating
Saturday we went ice skating. This is usually a once a year event for us. The kids were so much better this year. They have been roller blading more this year and that has helped a ton. Erica declared she skated around the rink 37 times. She only fell like twice. Nate did great. TJ …
The baby duck. By Erica
The Baby Duck; By Erica RoskelleyOnes ther was an egg. its mother cept it warm all day. his mother jumd. the egg was cracking. sone he was out! he went pep. he was so coute. then he lernd how to fly! it was a miricol. thanks mom he said. god buy mom he shouted. see …
TJs 6th Birthday
TJ turned 6 last week! Boy are they growing up fast. On his birthday we sent little slinky’s to his class along with a book from the Book Fair his teacher had wanted. That night we made pizza and got opened his gifts. He recieved I Spy for the Wii. Which is fun! A transformer …
TJ & Giselle
Me: So, TJ? Do you have a valentine?TJ: What do you mean?Me: Is there a girl in your class you like?TJ: Well, Yes. Its Giselle. She’s cute. But I still have to be mean to her, or else the other kids will know I like her.
Written by Tia
I’m here in Lehi baby sitting overnight for my brother. He has 3 cute kids. Tonight their elementary school had a fund raiser – a beach party. They hired a DJ and had the lights off in the gym/cafeteria for the dance and were selling Hot Dogs, Chips and Shasta in the hall. The kids …
Erica and the tooth fairy
Last night, TJ decided to shave his chin. He was in hysterics due to the burning and bleeding. Then Erica lost a tooth. Problem is, Wade just installed some dangling bamboo door thing that makes noise when you walk through it due to the clanking. So the tooth fairy would have trouble getting undetected. Well, …
Erica’s Baptism
We started out 2009 on the right foot, with Erica getting baptized. We do our baptisms with the combined stake (4 wards at a time), but as luck would have it, Erica was the only one of our 4 wards getting baptized. So we basically had our own baptism. It was perfect! She looked adorable …
Mutual Dell
We spent the last two days up American Fork Canyon with the Roskelley’s. Grandma and Grandpa Roskelley rented a cabin at Mutual Dell so we could all go sledding, play games, and eat lots of food. We stayed the night along with Dykes family, Beths Family, and Laura’s family. Heathers and Tia’s families came for …
Found the keys
Update on lost keys… We found them!!! We prayed really hard, when back to the hill. Spent about an hour searching for them, and then spotted them. It was truly a miracle and a good lesson in prayer for the kids.